ONG (Setor Social)

Georgia Resilience and Opportunity Fund

  • Sobre Nós

    The GRO Fund emerged from the work of the Old Fourth Ward Economic Security Task Force (“Task Force”), a coalition of 28 community members convened by Atlanta City Councilmember Amir Farokhi that included local residents, elected offcials, non-profts, faith leaders, and state & national policy advocates.

    The Task Force’s principal recommendation to advance economic security was a guaranteed income program focused on Black women, one of the groups experiencing the most acute and entrenched impacts of widespread financial insecurity.

    The GRO Fund began with the charge to build the recommendation for a guaranteed income program into a reality. In May 2021, we got to work fundraising, establishing partnerships, and refining the design of a guaranteed income pilot program. As of Fall 2023, GRO is an independent non-profit organization with seven full-time employees and eight board members

    The GRO Fund emerged from the work of the Old Fourth Ward Economic Security Task Force (“Task Force”), a coalition of 28 community members convened by Atlanta City Councilmember Amir Farokhi that included local residents, elected offcials, non-profts, faith leaders, and state & national policy advocates.

    The Task Force’s principal recommendation to advance economic security was a guaranteed income program focused on Black women, one of the groups experiencing the most acute and entrenched impacts of widespread financial insecurity.

    The GRO Fund began with the charge to build the recommendation for a guaranteed income program into a reality. In May 2021, we got to work fundraising, establishing partnerships, and refining the design of a guaranteed income pilot program. As of Fall 2023, GRO is an independent non-profit organization with seven full-time employees and eight board members

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