ONG (Setor Social)


San Francisco, CA

  • Sobre Nós

    Tutorpedia's mission is to provide high-quality, personalized tutoring and related education services to students of all racial and socioeconomic backgrounds. We carefully match students (grades K-12) with their own academic tutor, who is well-versed in subject-specific content, best practices in pedagogy, test preparation, and overall development of study and organizational skills. Tutoring is student-centered and individualized, and addresses both academic content and standardized test preparation.

    Tutorpedia takes a holistic approach to the positive development of each student with whom tutors work, but tutors' work is also carefully aligned with state content standards. Tutors conduct assessments of their students, combine assessments with grades and anecdotal evidence from teachers and parents/guardians to determine areas of specific need, and then set measurable goals in response to those needs. In addition to direct work on academic and test preparation, tutors work with students on cultivating skills and habits of mind that will generalize to all areas of a student's life, such as organizational strategies, critical thinking, problem solving, and time management.

    We work with schools, community organizations, and education non-profits to bring personalized learning at an affordable rate to low-income students, and a portion of our profits is extended to Tutorpedia Foundation, which offers grants to mission-aligned organizations.

    Tutorpedia's mission is to provide high-quality, personalized tutoring and related education services to students of all racial and socioeconomic backgrounds. We carefully match students (grades K-12) with their own academic tutor, who is well-versed in subject-specific content, best practices in pedagogy, test preparation, and overall development of study and organizational skills. Tutoring is student-centered and individualized, and addresses both academic content and standardized test preparation.

    Tutorpedia takes a holistic approach to the positive development of each student with whom tutors work, but tutors' work is also carefully aligned with state content standards. Tutors conduct assessments of their students, combine assessments with grades and anecdotal evidence from teachers and parents/guardians to determine areas of specific need, and then set measurable goals in response to those needs. In addition to direct work on…

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    • 365 Vermont Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States

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