
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

Sandy Spring, MD

  • About Us

    Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) is a vibrant organization comprised of more than 50 worshipping communities and 6,500 members across the mid-Atlantic region (DC, MD, PA, VA, WV). Since the first great gathering of Friends (Quakers) in Maryland in 1672, BYM has had a long, rich history of worship and social witness. This vibrancy is demonstrated today in an array of programs, the largest of which is a residential summer camping program serving approximately 550-600 campers each year, complemented by a year-round youth activities program. Friends of all ages are invited to attend our week-long residential Annual Session in August. Adult programs through the year include a Spiritual Formation Program and an annual Women’s Retreat. Other programs support local Meetings, helping to develop leadership and spiritual nurture. BYM staff, along with numerous volunteer committees and working groups, support a wide range of activities, including peace and social justice. BYM is dedicated to advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion throughout the Yearly Meeting.

    Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) is a vibrant organization comprised of more than 50 worshipping communities and 6,500 members across the mid-Atlantic region (DC, MD, PA, VA, WV). Since the first great gathering of Friends (Quakers) in Maryland in 1672, BYM has had a long, rich history of worship and social witness. This vibrancy is demonstrated today in an array of programs, the largest of which is a residential summer camping program serving approximately 550-600 campers each year, complemented by a year-round youth activities program. Friends of all ages are invited to attend our week-long residential Annual Session in August. Adult programs through the year include a Spiritual Formation Program and an annual Women’s Retreat. Other programs support local Meetings, helping to develop leadership and spiritual nurture. BYM staff, along with numerous volunteer committees and working groups, support a wide range of activities, including peace and social justice…

    Issue Areas Include


    • 17100 Quaker Lane, Sandy Spring, MD 20860, United States

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    Catoctin Quaker Camp CaretakerCatoctin Furnace, MDPosted há 21 dias

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