ONG (Setor Social)

Walla Walla Immigrant Rights Coalition

Walla Walla, WA |

  • Sobre Nós

    Our mission is to foster equity with immigrant populations in the Walla Walla Valley through education, advocacy, outreach, and emergency aid. We believe that immigrants make the Walla Walla Valley a stronger, richer, safer, and more vibrant place to live. We endeavor to make our community as welcoming and resilient as possible. WWIRC connects our Walla Walla Valley community members with culturally appropriate resources such as legal counsel, health services, food aid, emergency aid, and state programs that can offer them support regardless of their immigration status.

    Our mission is to foster equity with immigrant populations in the Walla Walla Valley through education, advocacy, outreach, and emergency aid. We believe that immigrants make the Walla Walla Valley a stronger, richer, safer, and more vibrant place to live. We endeavor to make our community as welcoming and resilient as possible. WWIRC connects our Walla Walla Valley community members with culturally appropriate resources such as legal counsel, health services, food aid, emergency aid, and state programs that can offer them support regardless of their immigration status.

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