ONG (Setor Social)

Wishful Institute of Development and Education

  • Sobre Nós

    Welcome to Wishful Institute of Development and Education, located in Zanzibar Kwarara. Our organization is dedicated to enhancing education in our community by providing quality instruction in English and computer skills. Through our programs, we aim to uplift and empower individuals to reach their full potential. Join us in our mission to make education accessible and transformative for all members of our community.

    Welcome to Wishful Institute of Development and Education, located in Zanzibar Kwarara. Our organization is dedicated to enhancing education in our community by providing quality instruction in English and computer skills. Through our programs, we aim to uplift and empower individuals to reach their full potential. Join us in our mission to make education accessible and transformative for all members of our community.

    Áreas Temáticas incluem

    Localização & Contato

    Anúncios de Wishful Institute of Development and Education

    VoluntariadoLocalizaçãoData Publicada
    VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITYZanzibar, Mjini Magharibi Region, Tanzânia25 de abril de 2024

    Descubra a sua Vocação

    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.