ONG (Setor Social)

Job Corps Support Services - Region 1

South Boston, MA |

  • Sobre Nós

    Job Corps is the nation's largest and most comprehensive residential education and job training program for at-risk youth, ages 16 through 24. Job Corps combines classroom, practical, and work-based learning experiences to prepare youth for stable, long-term, high-paying jobs.

    McNeil Technologies, operating under a contract through the National Office of Job Corps, provides support services to Job Corps Centers and students nationwide. While the services vary from region to region, based on the individual region’s Statement of Work, the focus is the same, to assist and support Job Corps participants by providing transitional support services.

    Some of these services are provided on-center throughout CDSS including assisting in orientation and assessments, conducting employability workshops, individual and group counseling, conducting independent living workshops, coordinating employability kits and other pre and post separation activities, and by making referrals to One-Stop Career Center, educational opportunities, local community service agencies and potential employers. All of these services are intended to augment the center’s CTS services and support the successful completion and placement of Job Corps graduates. McNeil will work in concert with all CTS partners to assist in the resolution of barriers to employment and continuing education. At some centers the McNeil staff is also responsible for former enrollee follow-up.

    In addition to the on-center staff, McNeil and its partner the Leonard Resource Group (LRG) have regional staff and a vast network of volunteers to provide mentoring support and other career transition services to students, graduates and former enrollees as they progress through the Job Corps program and then return to the community to begin using their newly acquired skills in the pursuit of economic self-sufficiency. Any student requiring additional support will be paired with volunteers from businesses, faith-based organizations, educational institutions and community-based organizations to serve as mentors to provide these youth with as much support as possible.

    Referrals for services can be made to the on-center staff, where available, or through the six regional offices. McNeil’s services are not intended to supplant those of other Job Corps contractors, but to support the mission of long term success for Job Corps participants.

    Job Corps is the nation's largest and most comprehensive residential education and job training program for at-risk youth, ages 16 through 24. Job Corps combines classroom, practical, and work-based learning experiences to prepare youth for stable, long-term, high-paying jobs.

    McNeil Technologies, operating under a contract through the National Office of Job Corps, provides support services to Job Corps Centers and students nationwide. While the services vary from region to region, based on the individual region’s Statement of Work, the focus is the same, to assist and support Job Corps participants by providing transitional support services.

    Some of these services are provided on-center throughout CDSS including assisting in orientation and assessments, conducting employability workshops, individual and group counseling, conducting independent living workshops, coordinating employability kits and other pre and post separation…

    Áreas Temáticas incluem


    • 275 West Broadway, South Boston, MA 02127, United States

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