ONG (Setor Social)

Northwestern CT Area Health Education Center

Waterbury, CT |

  • Sobre Nós

    Northwestern CT AHEC is one of four regional centers of the Connecticut AHEC Program and is located in Middlebury CT. Our mission is to inspire and enable disadvantaged youth to pursue rewarding careers as a health care professional. The Connecticut AHEC Program was established in 1995 by the Connecticut General Assembly, and received its initial federal funding from Human Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in 1997. NWCTAHEC, established in 1998, is a 501-C-3 non-profit agency.

    Northwestern CT AHEC is one of four regional centers of the Connecticut AHEC Program and is located in Middlebury CT. Our mission is to inspire and enable disadvantaged youth to pursue rewarding careers as a health care professional. The Connecticut AHEC Program was established in 1995 by the Connecticut General Assembly, and received its initial federal funding from Human Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in 1997. NWCTAHEC, established in 1998, is a 501-C-3 non-profit agency.

    Áreas Temáticas incluem


    • 83 Prospect Street, Waterbury, CT 0602, United States

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