ONG (Setor Social)


Beer Sheba, Israel |

  • Sobre Nós

    Kfar Rafael, a remedial community based on the Anthroposophic anderstanding of the humen being, is located northwest of the city of Beer Sheva. The current population numbers approximately 110, of whom 50 are villagers who suffer from physical and mental disabilities, seven foster families as well as twenty volunteers. The villagers live in a family framework. During the day they work, study and play. Kfar Rafael was founded by a number of young pioneers who saw their life's goal in its establishment. Their ideal was to create a community in which the disabled who had been rejected elsewhere would find their place. During the coming decade it is hoped to expand and enrich the activity and absorb additional villagers who will be able to express their humanity in the rehabilitation community.

    Kfar Rafael, a remedial community based on the Anthroposophic anderstanding of the humen being, is located northwest of the city of Beer Sheva. The current population numbers approximately 110, of whom 50 are villagers who suffer from physical and mental disabilities, seven foster families as well as twenty volunteers. The villagers live in a family framework. During the day they work, study and play. Kfar Rafael was founded by a number of young pioneers who saw their life's goal in its establishment. Their ideal was to create a community in which the disabled who had been rejected elsewhere would find their place. During the coming decade it is hoped to expand and enrich the activity and absorb additional villagers who will be able to express their humanity in the rehabilitation community.

    Áreas Temáticas incluem


    • P.O.B 425, Beer Sheba, None 84 103, Israel

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