ONG (Setor Social)

Global Alliance for the Future of Food

  • Sobre Nós

    The Global Alliance for the Future of Food (GA) is a strategic alliance of philanthropic foundations working together and with others for collective action on food systems transformation grounded in a vision of food systems that are renewable, resilient, equitable, healthy, diverse, inclusive, and interconnected. At the heart of our work are our members and global Secretariat team who collaborate with our Allied Initiatives, partners in civil society, funder affinity groups and intermediaries, governments and the private sector, and engage with global fora

    Our mission is to leverage our collective resources and networks to help shift food and agriculture systems toward greater sustainability, security, and equity. We believe in the urgency of transforming global food systems and in the power of working together and with others to effect positive change. 

    The Global Alliance works at the intersections of climate, public health, biodiversity, human and Indigenous rights, cultural diversity, and community well-being. We catalyze food system transformation through three core strategies: 

    • Convening: Bringing together philanthropic foundations, funders, investors, civil society organizations, businesses, and social movements to align efforts around food systems transformation.
    • Forging Insights: Developing research and tools, based on diverse knowledge and evidence, to help us understand and assess interrelationships, risks, trade-offs, and synergies in food systems transformation. 
    • Inciting Action: Connecting global and local perspectives, knowledge, and understandings across geographies, we aim to collectively accelerate effective action on the ground recognizing that change must be sensitive to context. 

    After more than 10 years, we are even more convinced of the potential for bold philanthropic leadership, in partnership with allies around the world, for profound food systems change. Our team is passionate about our mission and we believe our philanthropic foundation members, along with other partners, provide a powerful force for our bold calls to action. For more information, please visit

    The Global Alliance is a project of the Meridian Institute, our fiscal sponsor. 

    The Global Alliance for the Future of Food (GA) is a strategic alliance of philanthropic foundations working together and with others for collective action on food systems transformation grounded in a vision of food systems that are renewable, resilient, equitable, healthy, diverse, inclusive, and interconnected. At the heart of our work are our members and global Secretariat team who collaborate with our Allied Initiatives, partners in civil society, funder affinity groups and intermediaries, governments and the private sector, and engage with global fora

    Our mission is to leverage our collective resources and networks to help shift food and agriculture systems toward greater sustainability, security, and equity. We believe in the urgency of transforming global food systems and in the power of working together and with others to effect positive change. 

    The Global Alliance works at the intersections of climate, public health, biodiversity, human…

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