ONG (Setor Social)

Personal Genetics Education Project - Harvard Medical School

Boston, MA |

  • Sobre Nós

    The mission of the Personal Genetics Education Project (pgEd) is to engage people in conversations and raise awareness about the benefits and implications of personal genetics. We make that awareness equally accessible across all segments of society regardless of socioeconomic, educational, ethnic, religious, or cultural background. We strive to instill confidence in individuals to ask questions, make informed decisions, and respect the opinions of others.

    pgEd uses a variety of methods to engage people, including:
    • Educating through schools, free curriculum and professional development workshops
    • Engaging policymakers through a series of Congressional briefings
    • Working with producers and writers in the entertainment industry
    • Engaging our communities in libraries, churches, museums, and other public forums
    • Creating online platforms to engage audiences through social media

    The mission of the Personal Genetics Education Project (pgEd) is to engage people in conversations and raise awareness about the benefits and implications of personal genetics. We make that awareness equally accessible across all segments of society regardless of socioeconomic, educational, ethnic, religious, or cultural background. We strive to instill confidence in individuals to ask questions, make informed decisions, and respect the opinions of others.

    pgEd uses a variety of methods to engage people, including:
    • Educating through schools, free curriculum and professional development workshops
    • Engaging policymakers through a series of Congressional briefings
    • Working with producers and writers in the entertainment industry
    • Engaging our communities in libraries, churches, museums, and other public forums
    • Creating online platforms to engage audiences through social media

    Áreas Temáticas incluem


    • 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02115, United States
      NRB 264

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