ONG (Setor Social)

Citizens Advice

Norwich, ENG, Reino Unido

  • Sobre Nós

    Mission statement

    The Witness Service provides practical help, emotional support and information to witnesses so that they feel valued, respected and informed and able to give their best evidence in court.


    Our key outcomes, defined by the Ministry of Justice, are that witnesses should:

    • Understand the role of the Witness Service and the support it can provide and to which they are entitled

    • Feel informed about the court process

    • Feel less anxious and distressed and better able to cope with giving evidence

    • Feel able to contact other agencies where they are better placed to provide support

    • Feel that they have been respectfully and fairly treated by the service

    • Feel safe at court
    Mission statement

    The Witness Service provides practical help, emotional support and information to witnesses so that they feel valued, respected and informed and able to give their best evidence in court.


    Our key outcomes, defined by the Ministry of Justice, are that witnesses should:

    • Understand the role of the Witness Service and the support it can provide and to which they are entitled

    • Feel informed about the court process

    • Feel less anxious and distressed and better able to cope with giving evidence

    • Feel able to contact other agencies where they are better placed to provide support

    • Feel that they have been respectfully and fairly treated by the service

    • Feel safe at court

    Áreas Temáticas incluem


    • Norwich Crown Court, Norwich, ENG None, United Kingdom

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