"Light Quarterly" is a publication produced by The Foundation for Light Verse, Inc. as an expression of its mission to promote and promulgate light, metrical, and amusing verse. "Light" is the only magazine available in the U.S. devoted exclusively to light verse. It has been published since 1992.
The Foundation was granted nonprofit status in 2008 and seeks to continue publishing "Light Quarterly" and, in so doing, preserving this rich literary tradition. The Foundation also develops workshops, poetry readings, "laughter therapy" sessions and other events to enrich, enliven, and educate the community, as well as reach out to under-served populations.
"Light Quarterly" is a publication produced by The Foundation for Light Verse, Inc. as an expression of its mission to promote and promulgate light, metrical, and amusing verse. "Light" is the only magazine available in the U.S. devoted exclusively to light verse. It has been published since 1992.
The Foundation was granted nonprofit status in 2008 and seeks to continue publishing "Light Quarterly" and, in so doing, preserving this rich literary tradition. The Foundation also develops workshops, poetry readings, "laughter therapy" sessions and other events to enrich, enliven, and educate the community, as well as reach out to under-served populations.