ONG (Setor Social)

Contemporary Psychodynamic Institute

  • Sobre Nós

    The Contemporary Psychodynamic Institute is a vibrant learning community for therapists seeking to deepen their embodied practice of psychodynamic psychotherapy. We foster connection and professional development through consult groups, seminars and workshops, certificate programs, and a virtual membership platform

    The Contemporary Psychodynamic Institute is a vibrant learning community for therapists seeking to deepen their embodied practice of psychodynamic psychotherapy. We foster connection and professional development through consult groups, seminars and workshops, certificate programs, and a virtual membership platform

    Áreas Temáticas incluem

    Localização & Contato


    Descubra a sua Vocação

    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.