ONG (Setor Social)

Lakewood United Church of Christ

Lakewood, CO |

  • Sobre Nós

    Welcome to Lakewood United Church of Christ! We are a vibrant, inclusive, progressive Christian church committed to making disciples, making connections, and making a difference. What does this mean to us? It means we have dynamic worship services full of old and new music, grounded in prayer, with relevant sermons that connect with everyday life. It means we support and care for each other as we strive to live out Jesus’ call to “come and follow.” It means we carry the best of the past with us while seeking to make a difference right now. It means that when the worship is over, the service begins. If you’re a person of deep faith or shallow faith; old faith, new faith, or renewed faith; questioning faith or no faith at all; we hope you’ll come by and join us on the journey.

    Welcome to Lakewood United Church of Christ! We are a vibrant, inclusive, progressive Christian church committed to making disciples, making connections, and making a difference. What does this mean to us? It means we have dynamic worship services full of old and new music, grounded in prayer, with relevant sermons that connect with everyday life. It means we support and care for each other as we strive to live out Jesus’ call to “come and follow.” It means we carry the best of the past with us while seeking to make a difference right now. It means that when the worship is over, the service begins. If you’re a person of deep faith or shallow faith; old faith, new faith, or renewed faith; questioning faith or no faith at all; we hope you’ll come by and join us on the journey.

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