The Domestic Violence Project (DVP) is dedicated to providing survivors of intimate partner violence and their children with the support and advocacy necessary to achieve freedom from the abuse and violence in their lives. Our mission demands a holistic approach in addressing the obstacles faced by our clients.
We provide free legal and case management services to survivors including: legal representation on family law and immigration law matters, crisis counseling, financial empowerment services, benefits advocacy, to name just a few.
Our offices are located throughout the five boroughs of NYC.
Learn more about us at
The Domestic Violence Project (DVP) is dedicated to providing survivors of intimate partner violence and their children with the support and advocacy necessary to achieve freedom from the abuse and violence in their lives. Our mission demands a holistic approach in addressing the obstacles faced by our clients.
We provide free legal and case management services to survivors including: legal representation on family law and immigration law matters, crisis counseling, financial empowerment services, benefits advocacy, to name just a few.
Our offices are located throughout the five boroughs of NYC.
Learn more about us at