TOO YOUNG TO WED (TYTW) was born on the first International Day of the Girl Child in 2012 at the United Nations in New York. With her powerful portraits of child brides from around the world as a backdrop, acclaimed photojournalist and TYTW founder, Stephanie Sinclair, rallied dozens of global dignitaries to vow to bring an end to the often overlooked practice of child marriage.
TYTW envisions a world where every girl can decide for herself, if, when, and whom to marry; a world where adolescent girls are free to simply be children, with access to gender-specifi c healthcare and all levels of education; a world where all girls are free to determine the course of their own lives.
• TYTW’s mission is to empower girls and end child marriage.
• Through visual storytelling, we educate the world about early, child, and forced marriage and inspire change.
• TYTW’s Tehani Photo Workshops and Leadership Scholarships provide child marriage survivors a chance to heal, reclaim their narratives, and return to their communities as leaders in the fight against child marriage.
TOO YOUNG TO WED (TYTW) was born on the first International Day of the Girl Child in 2012 at the United Nations in New York. With her powerful portraits of child brides from around the world as a backdrop, acclaimed photojournalist and TYTW founder, Stephanie Sinclair, rallied dozens of global dignitaries to vow to bring an end to the often overlooked practice of child marriage.
TYTW envisions a world where every girl can decide for herself, if, when, and whom to marry; a world where adolescent girls are free to simply be children, with access to gender-specifi c healthcare and all levels of education; a world where all girls are free to determine the course of their own lives.
• TYTW’s mission is to empower girls and end child marriage.
• Through visual storytelling, we educate the world about early, child, and forced marriage and inspire change.
• TYTW’s Tehani Photo Workshops and Leadership Scholarships provide child marriage survivors a chance…