ONG (Setor Social)

Serving Workers for the Harvest Inc

  • Sobre Nós


    Assisting devoted gospel workers to evangelize the unreached, disciple and strengthen believers in their walk with Christ, and multiply kingdom-minded workers around the world. We are committed to advancing the Gospel globally by following the mandate of the Great Commission.


    Our vision is to identify harvest fields worldwide, with a special heartbeat for the unreached, underserved, and those facing difficult challenges. Through prayerful discernment, we aim to send laborers into these harvest fields. We do this through evangelizing the lost, discipling believers, and multiplying kingdom workers globally. In this way (and others) we are spreading the Gospel as Jesus commanded in Matthew 9:37-38.


    Assisting devoted gospel workers to evangelize the unreached, disciple and strengthen believers in their walk with Christ, and multiply kingdom-minded workers around the world. We are committed to advancing the Gospel globally by following the mandate of the Great Commission.


    Our vision is to identify harvest fields worldwide, with a special heartbeat for the unreached, underserved, and those facing difficult challenges. Through prayerful discernment, we aim to send laborers into these harvest fields. We do this through evangelizing the lost, discipling believers, and multiplying kingdom workers globally. In this way (and others) we are spreading the Gospel as Jesus commanded in Matthew 9:37-38.

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    Fotos de Serving Workers for the Harvest Inc


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    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.