Dismas House has accumulated a great deal of knowledge and expertise with leading men and women through the transition process from a life of lawlessness, substance abuse and other destructive behaviors to one of genuine freedom, accountability and responsibility. Whether it’s overcoming an addiction, properly managing anger or living lawfully, Dismas House of Kansas City has helped thousands of men and women transition to a life of freedom.
Dismas House provides more than 11,000 hours of counseling and treatment hours each year. With a team of certified treatment professionals and more than 35 years experience, Dismas House continually achieves outcomes that exceed national benchmarks.Dismas House has accumulated a great deal of knowledge and expertise with leading men and women through the transition process from a life of lawlessness, substance abuse and other destructive behaviors to one of genuine freedom, accountability and responsibility. Whether it’s overcoming an addiction, properly managing anger or living lawfully, Dismas House of Kansas City has helped thousands of men and women transition to a life of freedom.
Dismas House provides more than 11,000 hours of counseling and treatment hours each year. With a team of certified treatment professionals and more than 35 years experience, Dismas House continually achieves outcomes that exceed national benchmarks.