ONG (Setor Social)

Carolina Jews for Justice

  • Sobre Nós

    Carolina Jews for Justice is a Jewish, grassroots network committed to creating a just, fair and compassionate North Carolina. We combine advocacy and education to organize a non-partisan Jewish voice in North Carolina. We work to influence policy at the local and state levels and encourage individuals and Jewish institutions to take a stand on important issues in our community.
    Carolina Jews for Justice is a Jewish, grassroots network committed to creating a just, fair and compassionate North Carolina. We combine advocacy and education to organize a non-partisan Jewish voice in North Carolina. We work to influence policy at the local and state levels and encourage individuals and Jewish institutions to take a stand on important issues in our community.

    Áreas Temáticas incluem


    • PO Box 1505, Raleigh, NC None, United States
      Cary, NC 27512

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