To build the power of New Jersey’s nonprofit community to improve the quality of life for all people of our state.
We envision a New Jersey nonprofit community that is strong, vibrant, valued, and effective in advancing a civically engaged society and equitably delivering a thriving quality of life to all communities throughout the state of New Jersey.
Guided by our values, the New Jersey Center for Nonprofits is a high visibility, high impact leader, champion, convener, and resource for and about New Jersey’s nonprofit community.
- American society is improved by the essential partnership between charitable and civic nonprofits and philanthropic organizations, government, and enterprise to create abundance and solve society’s most critical challenges.
- Charitable nonprofit organizations are a vibrant force for advancing a just, thriving, and equitable society and economy.
- New Jersey’s civic life is enhanced by charitable nonprofits engaging residents, listening with the intent to hear, exercising leadership, connecting resources to communities, and delivering results consistent with nonprofit missions.
- Charitable nonprofits deliver results when they have capacity to meet their missions and create a positive impact on lives and communities.
- Leadership: We seek to strengthen nonprofits by facilitating pathways for equitable representation and professional development for a broad array of people, diverse backgrounds, abilities, and perspectives, especially Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). We commit to listening deeply and respectfully, and to broadening our perspective before we act.
- Integrity: We maintain the highest standards of professional and ethical behavior, and value transparency and honesty in our communications, relationships, and actions. We expect the same of our collaborators and constituents.
- Equity: We champion and commit to removing cultural and racial injustices and dismantling structures that prevent people from fair access to livelihood, education, resources, and participation in public policy and the cultural life of society.
- Inclusion: We expand, amplify, and leverage the collective voice and thereby increase available resources of the charitable nonprofit community to enhance public well-being.
- Learning: We seek and share qualitative and quantitative information to improve our impact and the ability of charitable and philanthropic organizations to adapt and excel.
- Collaboration: We are committed to seek abundance, build and maintain relationships, and partner with communities, nonprofits, private and public interest to accomplish our mission. We will not work alone or compete for its own sake.