ONG (Setor Social)

Girls Write Nashville

Nashville, TN |

  • Sobre Nós

    Girls Write Nashville was founded in 2016 as a one-time community arts project and continued as a nonprofit after our initial participants requested the program continue! In our Writers Guilds programs, students learn to write and record original music in a supportive community of peers led by a trauma-informed teaching artist. We believe in girls as important cultural contributors and in trauma-informed creative communities as essential safe spaces for youth development. We are co-conspirators for 21st century learning, supporting social emotional learning, ELA, and life skills through fun, expressive, participatory-based programs. Now entering our eighth year of programming, we currently operate six after-school programs in Title I MNPS middle schools as well as our flagship All City Mentorship Program which pairs high school students for 1:1 mentorship with local artists. We are Community Schools-allied and work closely with MNPS Community Achieves to serve over 100 students with over 5,500 hours of free programming. 

    Girls Write Nashville was founded in 2016 as a one-time community arts project and continued as a nonprofit after our initial participants requested the program continue! In our Writers Guilds programs, students learn to write and record original music in a supportive community of peers led by a trauma-informed teaching artist. We believe in girls as important cultural contributors and in trauma-informed creative communities as essential safe spaces for youth development. We are co-conspirators for 21st century learning, supporting social emotional learning, ELA, and life skills through fun, expressive, participatory-based programs. Now entering our eighth year of programming, we currently operate six after-school programs in Title I MNPS middle schools as well as our flagship All City Mentorship Program which pairs high school students for 1:1 mentorship with local artists. We are Community Schools-allied and work closely with MNPS…

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