Basing our work in the word of God to provide High Quality Christian Education to assure the development of skills, values, and knowledges to transform students not only to be competitive but also to be aware of the world needs and challenges integrating the use of technology in every field.
Georgetown started in 1993 with the levels of Kinder garden and First grade and a total of 16 students. Bilingual Education was barely known at those times in the small town of Jesus de Otoro. During 24 years Georgetown had worked hard to offer qualified Christian Education to the enrolled students and the results can be being measured by the number of students who had gone to succeed at the University. As time has passed, services have developed in and around the town. The offers for Bilingual Education had grown in the nearby cities. Still Georgetown is the only opportunity for those who can not afford Bilingual Education and we stand for those students. on 2010 the school opened a new section for kids who were not able to come into the institution in their Primary Education, but who still wanted to learn English. The discipline and the emphasize in values and love to God is oe of our major objectives. We are always trying to involve our students in activities to help the comunity to make the aware of our needs as a country. Parents, students teachers and community welcome anyone who wants to join us in this journey for a short time or a long term period, beside teaching English to can share the love of Jesus Christ in your life and also have fun learning about our culture. Jesus de Otoro is a peaceful, friendly town where taking a walk to pools or a river in a hot day is easy, safe and lots of fun!!!
Basing our work in the word of God to provide High Quality Christian Education to assure the development of skills, values, and knowledges to transform students not only to be competitive but also to be aware of the world needs and challenges integrating the use of technology in every field.
Georgetown started in 1993 with the levels of Kinder garden and First grade and a total of 16 students. Bilingual Education was barely known at those times in the small town of Jesus de Otoro. During 24 years Georgetown had worked hard to offer qualified Christian Education to the enrolled students and the results can be being…
We are looking for English teachers | Jesús de Otoro, Intibucá, IN, Honduras | Postado há 6 dias |