ONG (Setor Social)

Action for Race Equality

London, England, Reino Unido |

  • Sobre Nós

    ARE champions fairness, challenges race inequality and pioneers innovative solutions to empower young people through educationemployment and enterprise.

    We work with organisations, groups and individuals in the public, community, voluntary and private sectors on a range of programmes and projects that directly address barriers to racial inequalities.

    We carry out research, produce policy briefings and deliver interventions and activities that aim to improve outcomes and opportunities for young people whose life chances are affected by the inequalities in education, training and the criminal justice system.

    ARE champions fairness, challenges race inequality and pioneers innovative solutions to empower young people through educationemployment and enterprise.

    We work with organisations, groups and individuals in the public, community, voluntary and private sectors on a range of programmes and projects that directly address barriers to racial inequalities.

    We carry out research, produce policy briefings and deliver interventions and activities that aim to improve outcomes and opportunities for young people whose life chances are affected by the inequalities in education, training and the criminal justice system.

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