Green Shoots Foundation's mission is to foster Sustainable Development by promoting holistic programmes that combine Economic Development with Food & Agriculture, Education or Medical Aid.
By working with local partners, we implement synergistic/multi-purpose programmes to break localised poverty cycles. The foundation was established in October 2010 and is lead by one full time staff, our founder and a number of interns and volunteers.
In seven years, Green Shoots has managed to implement three programmes in six countries (Myanmar, Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan, India, The Philippines & Cambodia) this success can be accredited to the following principles:
• Focusing on sustainability for the charity and its programmes by keeping overheads low and recruiting skilled volunteers;
• Relying on well-established, trustworthy and efficient partners;
Introducing best-practice project management for each programme.
Green Shoots Foundation's mission is to foster Sustainable Development by promoting holistic programmes that combine Economic Development with Food & Agriculture, Education or Medical Aid.
By working with local partners, we implement synergistic/multi-purpose programmes to break localised poverty cycles. The foundation was established in October 2010 and is lead by one full time staff, our founder and a number of interns and volunteers.
In seven years, Green Shoots has managed to implement three programmes in six countries (Myanmar, Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan, India, The Philippines & Cambodia) this success can be accredited to the following principles:
• Focusing on sustainability for the charity and its programmes by keeping overheads low and recruiting skilled volunteers;
• Relying on well-established, trustworthy and efficient partners;
Introducing best-practice project management for each programme.
Rewarding community based learning program in rural Cambodia | Samraong, Oddar Meanchey Province, Camboya | Postado há 2 meses |