ONG (Setor Social)

Our Lady of Sorrows Church

Sharon, MA

  • Sobre Nós

    Catholic ChurchWe embracethe challenges, opportunities and responsibilities that the unique religiouscomposition of Sharon presents.
    We proclaimthe presence of the Risen Lord who gathers us as a worshipping communityand sends us forth to love and to serve.
    We pursueopen and constructive dialogue as we strive to follow the teachings of JesusChrist though life-long learning and faith formation.We practiceand promote social justice that affirms the dignity of every human being, andrejects all forms of discrimination as contrary of God's intent.We callupon the grace and talents of all parishioners so that together, laity andordained, we strengthen and guide our living church.We welcomevalue, and support the contributions of people from all walks of life andbackgrounds as we celebrate and explore our Catholic faith.
    Catholic ChurchWe embracethe challenges, opportunities and responsibilities that the unique religiouscomposition of Sharon presents.
    We proclaimthe presence of the Risen Lord who gathers us as a worshipping communityand sends us forth to love and to serve.
    We pursueopen and constructive dialogue as we strive to follow the teachings of JesusChrist though life-long learning and faith formation.We practiceand promote social justice that affirms the dignity of every human being, andrejects all forms of discrimination as contrary of God's intent.We callupon the grace and talents of all parishioners so that together, laity andordained, we strengthen and guide our living church.We welcomevalue, and support the contributions of people from all walks of life andbackgrounds as we celebrate and explore our Catholic faith.

    Áreas Temáticas incluem


    • 59 Cottage St, Sharon, MA 02067, United States

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