ONG (Setor Social)

Oyster River Pages

  • Sobre Nós

    Oyster River Pages (ORP) publishes voices that speak to what it means to be alive in this world. We look for language and stories and images that move us out of ourselves and into other spaces. We are a literary arts journal committed to disseminating the voices of those who need to and must be heard—decentered and marginalized voices—whose words and images transcend ignorance and prejudice to reveal the nuanced, resilient, connective power of humanity.

    Since 2017, in addition to publishing hundreds of contributors in the genres of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and visual arts, ORP offers the following programs:

    • ORP’s internship is a 12-month program designed for individuals who align themselves with the values and creative expressions the journal embodies. Each year, ORP brings on five to seven individuals who devote approximately ten hours per month. Interns are involved in all areas of ORP’s publication process, and may also opt to lead their own intern-produced project. Interns are trained in all aspects of independent online publishing and receive ten hours of editorial guidance and mentoring.
    • ORP is aware of the challenges in publishing, especially for those of us who may not have access to traditional literary resources and supports. Within this context, ORP’s Emerging Voices seeks to support new writers who receive personalized feedback with the intent of strengthening their pieces. Each year, about a dozen writers are selected to work closely with ORP’s editors to revise their pieces for publication.

    After seven years of operations, in 2023, ORP became a nonprofit, entering a new phase of development. We seek to build upon our achievements to date and expand our programming to advance our mission. To achieve these goals, we are searching for inspired individuals who wish to join our team in 2024.

    Oyster River Pages (ORP) publishes voices that speak to what it means to be alive in this world. We look for language and stories and images that move us out of ourselves and into other spaces. We are a literary arts journal committed to disseminating the voices of those who need to and must be heard—decentered and marginalized voices—whose words and images transcend ignorance and prejudice to reveal the nuanced, resilient, connective power of humanity.

    Since 2017, in addition to publishing hundreds of contributors in the genres of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and visual arts, ORP offers the following programs:

    • ORP’s internship is a 12-month program designed for individuals who align themselves with the values and creative expressions the journal embodies. Each year, ORP brings on five to seven individuals who devote approximately ten hours per month. Interns are involved in all areas of ORP’s publication process, and may also opt to lead their own…

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    • 26060 Wellspring Ave, Lewes, DE 19958, USA

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