ONG (Setor Social)

Orange Literacy

Carrboro, NC

  • Sobre Nós

    Our mission is to help adults reach their education, employment and life goals. We do this by providing free, flexible instruction in reading, writing and basic math, English and computer skills and GED preparation. We also help eligible immigrants and refugees prepare for the Naturalization exam.

    Our mission is to help adults reach their education, employment and life goals. We do this by providing free, flexible instruction in reading, writing and basic math, English and computer skills and GED preparation. We also help eligible immigrants and refugees prepare for the Naturalization exam.

    Áreas Temáticas incluem


    • 200 N. Greensboro St., Carrboro, NC 27510, United States
      Suite C-2

    Descubra a sua Vocação

    Encontre oportunidades para mudar o mundo com o anúncio mais recente de emprego, estágio, evento ou voluntariado. Veja também recursos para agir em sua comunidade.