Action research to find a strategy and a philosophy to attain results fast and effective re. poverty reduction and protection of the environment. This being not two, but one single issue. Demotech (DEMOcracy sustaining TECHnology) got some very inspiring answers out of her research and is on its way to further implementation. Keyword for this approach: Open Source, Appropriate Technology, "More Joy Per Person", development of tools interacting on Internet, as well as at grass roots! Please surf to
Action research to find a strategy and a philosophy to attain results fast and effective re. poverty reduction and protection of the environment. This being not two, but one single issue. Demotech (DEMOcracy sustaining TECHnology) got some very inspiring answers out of her research and is on its way to further implementation. Keyword for this approach: Open Source, Appropriate Technology, "More Joy Per Person", development of tools interacting on Internet, as well as at grass roots! Please surf to