ONG (Setor Social)

Cambridge-Yerevan Sister City Association Inc.

  • Sobre Nós

    The Cambridge-Yerevan Sister City Association is a non-profit citizens' organization dedicated to increasing understanding and strengthening ties between Yerevan and other regions in the Republic of Armenia, and Cambridge, Massachusetts and its neighboring communities. Ongoing people to people exchanges include city officials, teachers and high school students, environmentalists, business professionals and musicians and artists. The organization in Cambridge, Massachusetts collaborates with its counterpart in Yerevan, Armenia.

    The Cambridge-Yerevan Sister City Association is a non-profit citizens' organization dedicated to increasing understanding and strengthening ties between Yerevan and other regions in the Republic of Armenia, and Cambridge, Massachusetts and its neighboring communities. Ongoing people to people exchanges include city officials, teachers and high school students, environmentalists, business professionals and musicians and artists. The organization in Cambridge, Massachusetts collaborates with its counterpart in Yerevan, Armenia.

    Áreas Temáticas incluem


    • 247 Lakeview Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138, United States

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