Lahai Health is a free clinic providing health care to King and Snohomish counties. We serve low-income, uninsured, and underserved families and individuals by providing integrated and comprehensive medical, dental, and professional counseling services. Our mission is providing quality and compassionate health care to the underserved showing Christ’s love to everyone.
We have fixed sites in Lynnwood and North Seattle. We have also expanded to other communities by way of our Mobile Medical Clinic, "Hope", where we are able to partner with local churches/organizations to bring care directly to those who need it most.
Lahai Health is a free clinic providing health care to King and Snohomish counties. We serve low-income, uninsured, and underserved families and individuals by providing integrated and comprehensive medical, dental, and professional counseling services. Our mission is providing quality and compassionate health care to the underserved showing Christ’s love to everyone.
We have fixed sites in Lynnwood and North Seattle. We have also expanded to other communities by way of our Mobile Medical Clinic, "Hope", where we are able to partner with local churches/organizations to bring care directly to those who need it most.