ONG (Setor Social)

DC Achievers Summer@Sumner

Washington, DC |

  • Sobre Nós

    The DC College Success Foundation is seeking facilitators from different career backgrounds to instruct during the Summer@Sumner program for the DC Achievers Scholarship Candidates (ASC), a group of high potential, college-bound youth from Wards 7 and 8. We hope to collaborate with colleagues from various schools and community based programs with experience in delivering comprehensive information to students in an academic setting. Facilitators main goal is to help ensure that the fourth Cohort of ASCs are socially and academically prepared to succeed in their senior year of high school as well as in college.

    The DC College Success Foundation is seeking facilitators from different career backgrounds to instruct during the Summer@Sumner program for the DC Achievers Scholarship Candidates (ASC), a group of high potential, college-bound youth from Wards 7 and 8. We hope to collaborate with colleagues from various schools and community based programs with experience in delivering comprehensive information to students in an academic setting. Facilitators main goal is to help ensure that the fourth Cohort of ASCs are socially and academically prepared to succeed in their senior year of high school as well as in college.

    Áreas Temáticas incluem


    • Washington, DC None, United States

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