ONG (Setor Social)

Request for Proposal - Freehold Area Open Door Capital Campaign Consultant

Híbrido, O trabalho precisa ser executado em Nova Jersey, US

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Freelance (PJ)
    Data de Início:1 de janeiro de 2025
    Data de término:31 de dezembro de 2025
    Prazo para Inscrições:30 de setembro de 2024
    Educação:Ensino Superior Requerido
    Nível de Experiência:Intermediário


    Request for Proposals

    Freehold Area Open Door Capital Campaign Consultant

    September 2024


    Freehold Area Open Door is seeking a qualified and experienced Capital Campaign Consultant to assist with the planning and executing a comprehensive capital campaign. Our goal is to raise $1 million to increase operating capacity and to identify and purchase a new facility which will increase our food storage and distribution capacity and enhance our community outreach programs. This campaign is vital to our mission of assisting the most vulnerable among us by meeting our clients where they are, addressing their immediate needs and supporting them as they develop skills to become self-reliant.

    Organization Background

    Freehold Area Open Door is a community-based non-profit organization that has been serving the Freehold area since 1987. Our mission is to provide nutritious food to individuals and families in need, advocate for hunger relief, address housing issues through emergency rental and utility assistance, collaborate with local, county, and state agencies to connect clients with available services, and offer programs that promote self-sufficiency. We currently serve more than 3500 individuals and families each month and collaborate with local businesses, advocacy agencies, schools, and other organizations to meet the needs of our clients.

    Project Description

    The FAOD capital campaign aims to achieve the following objectives:

    • Program Enhancement: Fund new and existing programs that support our mission.
    • Facility Expansion: Establish a reserve fund earmarked for purchase of a building capable of providing increased space for food storage and distribution, efficiently accommodate additional clients and staff, with space for programming to better serve our clients’ needs.
    • Equipment Purchases: Acquire new food management and transportation equipment.

    Scope of Work

    The selected consultant will be expected to provide the following services:

    Phase 1

    Feasibility Study:

    • Conduct interviews and surveys with key stakeholders.
    • Assess internal readiness and external support for the campaign.
    • Provide a comprehensive report with recommendations.

    Phase 2

    Campaign Planning:

    • Develop a detailed campaign plan, including timeline, budget, and staffing needs.
    • Identify and segment potential donor pools.
    • Create a case for support and campaign materials.

    Phase 3

    Campaign Execution:

    • Guide the recruitment and training of campaign leadership and volunteers.
    • Assist with major gift cultivation and solicitation strategies.
    • Provide ongoing campaign management and troubleshooting.

    Phase 4

    Campaign Conclusion and Follow-Up:

    • Plan and execute a campaign wrap-up and donor recognition program.
    • Develop a stewardship plan to maintain and enhance donor relationships post-campaign.

    Proposal Requirements

    Interested consultants are requested to submit a proposal that includes the following:


    • A cover letter summarizing the consultant’s interest and qualifications.

    Consultant Qualifications:

    • Resume or CV with detailed background information, including experience with similar capital campaigns.
    • Case studies or examples of previous campaigns with measurable outcomes.
    • References from at least two recent clients.

    Project Approach:

    • Outline of the proposed methodology for conducting the feasibility study and managing the campaign.
    • Timeline for each phase of the project.
    • Proposed deliverables at each stage of the campaign.


    • Detailed cost proposal, including fees for services and other expenses.
    • Payment schedule aligned with project milestones.

    Submission Instructions

    Proposals should be submitted electronically in PDF format to 

    Attention: RFP by September 30, 2024 

    Promising Candidates will be contacted no later than 10/30/2024 to begin the interview process

    Evaluation Criteria

    Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

    • Relevant experience and qualifications.
    • Proven track record of successful capital campaigns.
    • Quality of references.
    • Understanding of the project and proposed approach.
    • Cost-effectiveness and value for money.
    • Timeline

    RFP Release Date: 9/3/2024

    Proposal Submission Deadline: 9/30/2024


    The Freehold Area Open Door looks forward to partnering with a consultant who shares our commitment to fighting hunger and building a stronger community. We appreciate your interest and look forward to receiving your proposal.

    Contact Information

    Freehold Area Open Door

    39 Throckmorton Street

    Freehold, NJ 07728


    Freehold Area Open Door, Inc.

    Please ensure that all requested information is provided and that your proposal is clear, concise, and aligned with the goals and requirements outlined in this RFP. Thank you for your interest in partnering with Freehold Area Open Door for this important initiative.

    Request for Proposals

    Freehold Area Open Door Capital Campaign Consultant

    September 2024


    Freehold Area Open Door is seeking a qualified and experienced Capital Campaign Consultant to assist with the planning and executing a comprehensive capital campaign. Our goal is to raise $1 million to increase operating capacity and to identify and purchase a new facility which will increase our food storage and distribution capacity and enhance our community outreach programs. This campaign is vital to our mission of assisting the most vulnerable among us by meeting our clients where they are, addressing their immediate needs and supporting them as they develop skills to become self-reliant.

    Organization Background

    Freehold Area Open Door is a community-based non-profit organization that has been serving the Freehold area since 1987. Our mission is to provide nutritious food to individuals and families in need, advocate for hunger…


    Trabalho deve ser executado em Nova Jersey, US
    Freehold, NJ 07728, USA

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