ONG (Setor Social)

Academic Center Site Lead & Family Engagement Associate

Presencial, O trabalho pode ser executado em ou perto de Redwood City, CA

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Tempo Integral
    Data de Início:23 de setembro de 2024
    Educação:Diploma de Ensino Médio Requerido
    Nível de Experiência:Intermediário
    Compensação:USD $25 - $28 / hora
    Paid time off, medical stipend


    Generations United, a community-based nonprofit organization in Redwood City & North Fair Oaks providing academic support and enrichment, is hiring a staff member to provide support and maintain engagement with families involved with our programming. Additionally, due to the needs of the community, this individual will assist in working with small groups of children in our Academic Enrichment Centers. Additional administrative responsibilities will be assigned as needed by the organization.

    Family Engagement

    Responsible for developing and maintaining safe, friendly, and effective relationships with the families that we serve. 

    • Meet with families to determine urgent financial and physical needs 
    • Maintain a spreadsheet and profile on each family and accurately track funding from the emergency fund, ensuring all steps and proper procedures have been followed.
    • Stay in active communication with families to determine ongoing needs and share information (text, phone calls, email, social media)

    Additional information:

    • Hours will be weekdays 9:30-6 pm with some breaks to coincide with school closures (holidays, in-service, etc).  
    • The AEC lead role is a flexible position and will require some changes as schedules and responsibilities shift. The lead will work with one another AEC lead to ensure adequate planning and preparation (under supervision of and with support from the Program Manager and/or Executive Director)

    Classroom Support

    The AEC lead will oversee small in-person groups of children in Grades K-6. The leader will work individually with students (or in small groups) to support children in their learning, assist with virtual schoolwork and create a safe and nurturing environment with children at the school.  

    The AEC lead will collaborate with parents and classroom teachers on individual student needs to help students enhance their understanding of different subject areas. Students may come in for 2+ hours per day, or longer depending on their needs. The teacher must be responsive to students, each day might be different. The lead will plan breaks including movement or play. There may be opportunities to work with volunteers as they tutor children.


    • Ensure the room set-up supports school health and safety measures, including social distancing, hand-washing and sanitizing, mask-wearing, stable cohorts, and cleaning of shared supplies.
    • Provide academic support to students as they complete virtual assignments on and off of the computer/technology provided
    • Assist with technical support for students (Chromebook, laptop, iPad, etc)
    • Plan activities for breaks: crafts, movement, play, art, etc
    • Facilitate volunteer relationships: sign in, tracking hours, reassigning students in the event of an absence.

    Training and Supervision:

    • Initial training to be conducted by Program Manager/Executive Director
    • Continued oversight and supervision by PM
    • Weekly check-ins and monthly staff meetings will be scheduled
    • Quarterly assessments and annual reviews will be conducted
    • Initial evaluations at 30, 60, and 90 days to ensure success and support
    • This description is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all duties and responsibilities. The changing needs of our organization and services to families necessitate flexibility and cooperation. Communication is imperative within all roles and we value feedback from all team members. Employees in California are considered “at-will” and the employment relationship can be terminated at any time by either party. Advance notice of resignation is appreciated.

    Generations United, a community-based nonprofit organization in Redwood City & North Fair Oaks providing academic support and enrichment, is hiring a staff member to provide support and maintain engagement with families involved with our programming. Additionally, due to the needs of the community, this individual will assist in working with small groups of children in our Academic Enrichment Centers. Additional administrative responsibilities will be assigned as needed by the organization.

    Family Engagement

    Responsible for developing and maintaining safe, friendly, and effective relationships with the families that we serve. 

    • Meet with families to determine urgent financial and physical needs 
    • Maintain a spreadsheet and profile on each family and accurately track funding from the emergency fund, ensuring all steps and proper procedures have been followed.
    • Stay in active communication with families to determine ongoing needs and…


    Some flexibility during the summer and non-school times. Additional training, conferences, and continuing education.

    Some flexibility during the summer and non-school times. Additional training, conferences, and continuing education.

    Nível de Proficiência do Idioma

    Fluent in Spanish (written and spoken)

    Fluent in English

    Fluent in Spanish (written and spoken)

    Fluent in English


    Redwood City, CA, USA

    Inscreva-se: Emprego


    Please include a cover letter specific to this position detailing your experience and why you'd be a fit for our organization and this role.

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    Eu estou ciente que o uso do Assistente de Recrutamento (ATS) do Idealist está condicionado à Política de Privacidade e Termos de Serviço .

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