ONG (Setor Social)

Community Organizer

Presencial, O trabalho pode ser executado em ou perto de Seattle, WA

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Tempo Integral
    Data de Início:27 de setembro de 2024
    Prazo para Inscrições:18 de setembro de 2024
    Compensação:USD $27,50 / hora
    Hourly pay for the first 90 days; followed by a salary of $70,385.64.


    Nickelsville's democratically operated empowering Tiny House Villages are in search of an organizer. Responsibilities include facilitating the weekly Central Committee Meeting and weekly meetings at the villages; acting as the contact person between neighbors, allies, government agencies, and volunteers; educating participants about the causes of homelessness and how to solve it (particularly as related to local, state, and national politics); and increasing self-advocacy skills of public speaking and letter writing. Successful candidates will have demonstrated history of working for social and economic justice. An ability to facilitate formal organizer training sessions would be a plus. Our organizers empower the participants to speak for themselves in public settings and to the media.

    Nickelsville's democratically operated empowering Tiny House Villages are in search of an organizer. Responsibilities include facilitating the weekly Central Committee Meeting and weekly meetings at the villages; acting as the contact person between neighbors, allies, government agencies, and volunteers; educating participants about the causes of homelessness and how to solve it (particularly as related to local, state, and national politics); and increasing self-advocacy skills of public speaking and letter writing. Successful candidates will have demonstrated history of working for social and economic justice. An ability to facilitate formal organizer training sessions would be a plus. Our organizers empower the participants to speak for themselves in public settings and to the media.


    Medical, dental, and vision insurance begin upon hire.

    Medical, dental, and vision insurance begin upon hire.


    Seattle, WA, USA

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