Sierra Leone is located along the West Africa Coastal belt. It shares common boundaries with Guinea in Northwest, and Liberia in the southeast. It has a population of about eight million, with 27,000sq miles. The country has potential natural resources for investment and tourism.
Furthermore, this beautiful and peaceful country was climaxed with civil conflict that broke out in March 1991, when a group of insurgents of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) was formed and launched an insurgency in the eastern part of the country. The war then spread to other parts of the country resulting in a large-scale displacement of over two million people in the sub region and internally, and the conflict twice reached the capital city Freetown. The conflict has become the world renowned for some of the worst human rights atrocities committed by one of the most belligerent groups, particular the death and mutilation of tens of thousands of civilians especially women and children and the complete devastation of infrastructures in the entire country. In 2014, the country was plagued by outbreak of Ebola virus which leads death of thousands of peoples throughout the country.
To provide safe drinking water by digging drilling borehole hand dug water wells, borehole drilling with solar with 10.000 Litter polytank stand to support (210,000) two hundred and ten thousand including schools health centers and local community in Pujehun, Kenema, Port Loko and Kambia Districts in the South, East and Northern provinces of Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone is located along the West Africa Coastal belt. It shares common boundaries with Guinea in Northwest, and Liberia in the southeast. It has a population of about eight million, with 27,000sq miles. The country has potential natural resources for investment and tourism.
Furthermore, this beautiful and peaceful country was climaxed with civil conflict that broke out in March 1991, when a group of insurgents of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) was formed and launched an insurgency in the eastern part of the country. The war then spread to other parts of the country resulting in a large-scale displacement of over two million people in the sub region and internally, and the conflict twice reached the capital city Freetown. The conflict has become the world renowned for some of the worst human rights atrocities committed by one of the most belligerent groups, particular the death and mutilation of tens of thousands of civilians especially women…
To construct (60) sixty drilling borehole hand dug water wells and forty (40) drilling borehole solar pumps with 10.000 Litters polytank stand (twenty five water wells) per district within selected districts Pujehun, Kenema Port Loko and Kambia.
To construct (60) sixty drilling borehole hand dug water wells and forty (40) drilling borehole solar pumps with 10.000 Litters polytank stand (twenty five water wells) per district…