Consultoria (Prestador de Serviço)

Community Outreach Representative

Presencial, O trabalho pode ser executado em ou perto de Philadelphia, PA

  • Detalhes

    Tipo de Emprego:Meio Horário
    Tipo de Emprego:Temporário / PJ / Freelance
    Educação:Diploma de Tecnólogo Requerido
    Nível de Experiência:Recém formado
    Compensação:Veja abaixo
    Staff is initially paid $18.5/hr with increase to $20/hr after training.


    We want to hire some responsible people to assist us in staffing tables at community events throughout the greater Philadelphia Area. These events revolve around Energy Efficiency, Energy Conservation, Environmental and housing Issues. This work is part time and contract work where you will pick your own schedule. New events are scheduled a few weeks in advance and you may be asked to staff. There is no requirement to work on any event if you have a conflict that day, so it's a great side job if you have another full time job. You can work as much or as little as you want. If you are interested please let us know and we can discuss further.

    Looking for High Energy, Person Interested to Work Part Time (Including Weekends)


    • Staffing tables at community events in the greater Philadelphia Area

    • Loading promotional materials, setting up table, displays and materials

    • Driving to specified locations (You need to have a car and license)

    • Give away educational materials and get people to sign for them


    • Be comfortable talking to people

    • Being mindful and careful with equipment provided

    • Committed to Energy Efficiency, Energy Conservation and Environmental Issues

    • Eager to learn

    • Dedicated, punctual and self motivated

    • Have a car and current driving license

    • Bilingual Preferred (English/Spanish or English/any other language)

    We want to hire some responsible people to assist us in staffing tables at community events throughout the greater Philadelphia Area. These events revolve around Energy Efficiency, Energy Conservation, Environmental and housing Issues. This work is part time and contract work where you will pick your own schedule. New events are scheduled a few weeks in advance and you may be asked to staff. There is no requirement to work on any event if you have a conflict that day, so it's a great side job if you have another full time job. You can work as much or as little as you want. If you are interested please let us know and we can discuss further.

    Looking for High Energy, Person Interested to Work Part Time (Including Weekends)


    • Staffing tables at community events in the greater Philadelphia Area

    • Loading promotional materials, setting up table, displays and materials

    • Driving to specified locations (You need to have a car and license)

    • Give away educational…

    Nível de Proficiência do Idioma

    English, must be well spoken and comfortable speaking to groups of people.

    Spanish, Mandarin, Russian and other languages also help.

    English, must be well spoken and comfortable speaking to groups of people.

    Spanish, Mandarin, Russian and other languages also help.


    Philadelphia, PA, United States

    Inscreva-se: Emprego

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