Oportunidad de Voluntariado
Publicado hace 4 meses

Board Secretary

A Distancia, La persona voluntaria debe estar en Estados Unidos

  • Descripción

    Flexibilidad:Varias horas al mes


    Slant’d is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit publishing house that celebrates the journey of self discovery through art and the written word. As a new nonprofit, we are looking to build out an experienced and heart-forward Board of Directors to help us secure the financial resources we need to achieve organizational stability and empower us to deliver on our mission to unlock creative expansion for AAPIs everywhere.


    The Board will provide mission-based leadership, boost our fundraising power, and ensure that Slant’d remains in good standing as a nonprofit (this is not a “working staff” role). While day-to-day operations are led by Slant’d’s Executive Director, the Board & Executive Director relationship is a partnership, and the appropriate involvement of the Board is both critical and expected:

    • Monitor the organization’s overall activities, fiscal health, and behavior
    • Ensure compliance with various nonprofit recordkeeping requirements
    • Actively participate in fundraising / development efforts
    • Manage the Executive Director
    • Serve as ambassadors for Slant’d in the community


    The Board Secretary is an active conduit for facilitating communication between board directors and the Executive Director and maintaining the nonprofit’s records.

    Board Meetings

    The Secretary will ensure that Board meetings are effectively scheduled, organized, and minuted. In the event that the Secretary is unable to attend a meeting where minutes or notes are to be taken, it is the secretary’s responsibility to find an alternate. The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that:

    • All Board directors receive proper notice of all meetings and meeting materials (includes maintaining the Board calendar).
    • Meeting agendas, pre-read materials, and meeting minutes are co-created by the Executive Committee, distributed to the entire board in a timely manner, and safely stored.
    • The Board contact list, including contact information and bios, is up to date.

    Compliance Oversight & Document Safekeeping

    The Secretary is responsible for maintaining and safeguarding the nonprofit’s records and supporting knowledge transfer.

    • Document board meeting procedures, decision-making rules, and governance policies.
    • Review and update the nonprofit’s governance documents and bylaws, as necessary, to ensure legal compliance.
    • Ensure that all nonprofit data, governing documents, key policies, and assets are safely stored and readily accessible for inspection by directors (owned by the Chief of Staff).

    Board Recruitment & Succession Planning

    The Founding Board is currently recruiting for a new Executive Committee, who will then recruit additional Board Members to round out the Board of Directors, on a timeline determined by the new Executive Committee.

    • Co-lead the recruitment and appointment of additional Board Members
    • Co-create a skills matrix to maintain a balanced and effective Board
    • Co-develop succession processes to recruit, select, and onboard new Board Members and ensure a smooth transition between Board terms


    • Strong personal integrity and a passion for Slant’d’s mission and vision
    • At least 3 years of practical or relevant experience
    • Exceptional oral and written communication skills
    • Able to lead meeting planning and record keeping
    • Able to manage security, organization, and submissions of records, sensitive information and documents
    • Able to facilitate decision-making and achieve consensus
    • Access to a network of high capacity donors or well-connected community contacts
    • Bonus: experience with another arts and culture organization


    Slant’d’s Board must consider Slant’d a philanthropic priority and make a meaningful annual financial gift that reflects that priority. In order to credibly solicit contributions from foundations, organizations, and individuals, each Board Member has a minimum annual give/get contribution of $3,000.


    3 years total: You will serve as the Board Secretary for your first 2 years of service, then transition to a general Board Director for 1 year.


    All Board Directors (including Board Officers) generously volunteer their time, experience, and connections in a fully-remote capacity without financial compensation. We provide the following as a token of our appreciation:

    • Copies of all printed publications to keep / gift to loved ones
    • Complimentary tickets to all Slant’d events (e.g., magazine launch parties, book tours)
    • Friends & family discount code for Slant’d events
    • Slant’d merch


    2-4 hours/month (Executive Committee meetings, quarterly Board meetings, and Board Secretary responsibilities as outlined above)

    Slant’d is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit publishing house that celebrates the journey of self discovery through art and the written word. As a new nonprofit, we are looking to build out an experienced and heart-forward Board of Directors to help us secure the financial resources we need to achieve organizational stability and empower us to deliver on our mission to unlock creative expansion for AAPIs everywhere.


    The Board will provide mission-based leadership, boost our fundraising power, and ensure that Slant’d remains in good standing as a nonprofit (this is not a “working staff” role). While day-to-day operations are led by Slant’d’s Executive Director, the Board & Executive Director relationship is a partnership, and the appropriate involvement of the Board is both critical and expected:

    • Monitor the organization’s overall activities, fiscal health, and behavior
    • Ensure compliance with various nonprofit recordkeeping…


    A Distancia
    La persona voluntaria debe estar en Estados Unidos
    Ubicación Asociada
    New York, NY, USA

    Cómo aplicar

    Apply to be part of the Board of Directors here by April 30, 2024.

    It’s deeply important to us at Slant’d that our work and spaces represent the full spectrum of voices across the AAPI community, as this is a space that intentionally centers AAPI talent. We’d especially love to work with folks who identify as queer, trans, non-binary, agender, disabled, or South Asian who are inspired by our mission and what we’re working on.

    If you have questions, please contact Jen Kan at join@slantd.com.

    Apply to be part of the Board of Directors here by April 30, 2024.

    It’s deeply important to us at Slant’d that our work and spaces represent the full spectrum of voices across the AAPI…


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