Oportunidad de Voluntariado
Publicado hace 3 meses

Clean Energy Event Organizers

A Distancia, La persona voluntaria debe estar en Estados Unidos

  • Descripción

    Horario:Fines de semana
    Flexibilidad:Unas horas
    Frecuencia:Una única vez
    Accesible con Silla de Ruedas


    Clean Energy Event Organizers

    Generation180 is providing micro-grants ranging from $50-250 for volunteers who organize an event where you share your clean energy actions with your neighbors, community, co-workers, and friends! Have you electrified your home, your vehicle, or your community? Tell others how you did it and if you received incentives or rebates for it. Events might include: a home energy tour, EV ride and drive, presentation at work, community events or centers, in your neighborhood, school, place of worship, etc. You could also organize a panel with others or table at a market or conference. Have your own idea – go for it. We’ll reimburse you for event expenses like food/beverages, tabling fees, materials, transportation, etc. Ideally each event will reach at least 20+ individuals and provide participants with info and an action to take. Funding is available through 2024, or until we run out. Apply today and get started organizing your event! 

    Generation180 is providing micro-grants ranging from $50-250 for volunteers who organize an event where you share your clean energy actions with your neighbors, community, co-workers, and friends! Have you electrified your home, your vehicle, or your community? Tell others how you did it and if you received incentives or rebates for it. Events might include: a home energy tour, EV ride and drive, presentation at work, community events or centers, in your neighborhood, school, place of worship, etc. You could also organize a panel with others or table at a market or conference. Have your own idea – go for it. We’ll reimburse you for event expenses like food/beverages, tabling fees, materials, transportation, etc. Ideally each event will reach at least 20+ individuals and provide participants with info and an action to take. Funding is available through 2024, or until we run out. Apply today and get started organizing your event! 


    A Distancia
    La persona voluntaria debe estar en Estados Unidos
    Ubicación Asociada
    818 E Jefferson St, Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA

    Cómo aplicar

    To host a clean energy event in your home, workplace, or community and apply for a Generation180 micro-grant ($50-250), fill out the below application. Include your contact info (for reimbursement and tracking purposes), along with your proposed event, budget, and goals. Events should focus on transportation electrification (electric vehicles) or on clean energy actions individuals can take in their homes or communities. Your Energy Matters – and talking with others about it does too.

    Fill out the Event Funding and Application Form here.

    To host a clean energy event in your home, workplace, or community and apply for a Generation180 micro-grant ($50-250), fill out the below application. Include your contact info (for…


    Descubre Tu Vocación

    Encuentra oportunidades para cambiar el mundo con las últimas oportunidades de empleo, pasantías/prácticas y voluntariado con impacto social. Además, podrás explorar recursos para generar impacto positivo en tu comunidad.