Oportunidad de Voluntariado

Board of Director Volunteer

A Distancia, El/la voluntario/a puede estar en cualquier país del mundo

  • Descripción

    Horario:Fines de semana
    Flexibilidad:Varias horas al mes
    Accesible con Silla de Ruedas
    Aceptamos Voluntarios Internacionales


    Board of Director Volunteer
    • Qualifications: Passionate about change, background in a nonprofit or any type of leadership.

    Responsibilities :

    • Attend board meetings Regularly participate in board meetings (typically held monthly or quarterly) to discuss organizational matters, review finances, and our mission, and make informed decisions
    • Advocate and Fundraise Actively advocate for our cause, engage with potential donors, and contribute and/or lead fundraising efforts
    • Governance and Compliance Ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards and uphold the organization's bylaws
    • Strategic Planning Collaborate with fellow board members to develop and implement strategic plans that align with our mission and vision
    • Committee Participation Recruit and lead volunteers to participate in committees related to fundraising efforts and program development
    • Qualifications: Passionate about change, background in a nonprofit or any type of leadership.

    Responsibilities :

    • Attend board meetings Regularly participate in board meetings (typically held monthly or quarterly) to discuss organizational matters, review finances, and our mission, and make informed decisions
    • Advocate and Fundraise Actively advocate for our cause, engage with potential donors, and contribute and/or lead fundraising efforts
    • Governance and Compliance Ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards and uphold the organization's bylaws
    • Strategic Planning Collaborate with fellow board members to develop and implement strategic plans that align with our mission and vision
    • Committee Participation Recruit and lead volunteers to participate in committees related to fundraising efforts and program development


    A Distancia
    La persona voluntaria puede estar en cualquier lugar del mundo
    Ubicación Asociada
    Charlotte, NC, USA

    Aplicar a esta Oportunidad de Voluntariado

    Entiendo que el uso de la herramienta de seguimiento de candidaturas de Idealist está sujeto a la Política de Privacidad de Idealist y a los Términos del Servicio.

    Descubre Tu Vocación

    Encuentra oportunidades para cambiar el mundo con las últimas oportunidades de empleo, pasantías/prácticas y voluntariado con impacto social. Además, podrás explorar recursos para generar impacto positivo en tu comunidad.