Organización Sin Fin de Lucro

Open Source software - help for non-Geeks


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    Most people haven't heard of Open Source Software (OSS). Many help groups exists, but they are usually for people who've already decided to find out about OSS, or need expert help.

    This group is an attempt to create a group of OSS users in D.C. to promote OSS and help new people overcome the initial hurdle. Just being there, makes all the difference.

    The aim is to hold regular classes, events and meetings, at community spaces like public libraries.

    We have set up 4 computers at Cleveland Park Library and we are starting classes!

    Most people haven't heard of Open Source Software (OSS). Many help groups exists, but they are usually for people who've already decided to find out about OSS, or need expert help.

    This group is an attempt to create a group of OSS users in D.C. to promote OSS and help new people overcome the initial hurdle. Just being there, makes all the difference.

    The aim is to hold regular classes, events and meetings, at community spaces like public libraries.

    We have set up 4 computers at Cleveland Park Library and we are starting classes!


    • DC, United States

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