Organización Sin Fin de Lucro

The White House Project

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    The White House Projectignites the leadership of women in business and politics. We connect, coach, and educate an ever-expanding alumnae network of 14,000 nationwide. With a focus on women age 21-35, we activate the ambition, creativity, and skills necessary for innovative and effective leadership.

    The White House Projectignites the leadership of women in business and politics. We connect, coach, and educate an ever-expanding alumnae network of 14,000 nationwide. With a focus on women age 21-35, we activate the ambition, creativity, and skills necessary for innovative and effective leadership.

    Temáticas Incluídas


    • 424 W. 33rd St., New York, NY 10001, United States
      Suite LL 010

    Descubre Tu Vocación

    Encuentra oportunidades para cambiar el mundo con las últimas oportunidades de empleo, pasantías/prácticas y voluntariado con impacto social. Además, podrás explorar recursos para generar impacto positivo en tu comunidad.