Baan Dek Foundation (previously known as Kids Home Foundation) is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious, organization based in Chiang Mai that supports over 1000 children in need and their families living in construction sites and slums. Through specifically tailored educational programs and flexible individual support, Baan Dek protects endangered children, allows families to becoming self-sustainable and gives opportunities for a better future.
Baan Dek Foundation (previously known as Kids Home Foundation) is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious, organization based in Chiang Mai that supports over 1000 children in need and their families living in construction sites and slums. Through specifically tailored educational programs and flexible individual support, Baan Dek protects endangered children, allows families to becoming self-sustainable and gives opportunities for a better future.
Women4Change Project Officer - Based in Chiang Mai | Tambon San Phranet, จ.เชียงใหม่, Tailandia | Publicado hace 15 días |