Beautiful Day is a granola and food social venture with a mission to help refugees, especially youth and the most vulnerable, to enter the job market and become welcomed, self-sufficient members of their communities.
As an innovative 10-year-old social venture, we have integrated adult and youth training programs and broad community education initiatives into the daily production and business activities of a local gourmet granola and coffee company. Each year, we accept approximately 30 refugee trainees. Our focus is on assisting those with the highest barriers (limited English, limited native language literacy, lack of transferable skills, limitations related to age, gender, trauma) to pursue their goals.
We’re rooted locally in Providence where we lease a kitchen, fulfillment center and offices. We run an e-commerce store, ship products locally and across the country and participate in 4 local farmers’ markets. Most of our employees are former refugees who appreciate the challenges immigrants face and can champion resilience and growth. We have an active, adventurous board of directors and a diverse team of 5 full-time and 10 part-time staff, plus contractors and interns. For more information about our mission, vision and products, visit
Beautiful Day is a granola and food social venture with a mission to help refugees, especially youth and the most vulnerable, to enter the job market and become welcomed, self-sufficient members of their communities.
As an innovative 10-year-old social venture, we have integrated adult and youth training programs and broad community education initiatives into the daily production and business activities of a local gourmet granola and coffee company. Each year, we accept approximately 30 refugee trainees. Our focus is on assisting those with the highest barriers (limited English, limited native language literacy, lack of transferable skills, limitations related to age, gender, trauma) to pursue their goals.
We’re rooted locally in Providence where we lease a kitchen, fulfillment center and offices. We run an e-commerce store, ship products locally and across the country and participate in 4 local farmers’ markets. Most of our employees are former…