Organización Sin Fin de Lucro

Make Music Matter

Toronto, ON, Canadá

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    Make Music Matter (MMM)’s mission is to use the creative process as a therapeutic tool to help heal trauma and empower marginalized voices. Through its innovative Healing in Harmony music therapy program, MMM works globally with local partners to foster sustainable and thriving communities.

    The Healing in Harmony model of group therapy is a unique blend of cognitive behavior therapy and music therapy that brings together trauma survivors with a local, trained psychologist and local music producer to write, record, and professionally produce songs about their emotions and experiences. The process helps participants to develop the potential for transformative change while building self-esteem and re-establishing their sense of identity and agency.

    Songs become tools for education and awareness, helping to combat stereotypes, stigma, and shame. Music is disseminated via local radio stations, community concerts, social media, and major streaming platforms through A4A Records, with global distribution through Warner Music Canada.

    Make Music Matter has transformed the lives of over 15,000 individuals in nine countries around the world - DRC, Rwanda, Turkey, Syria, Guinea, South Africa, Uganda, Peru, and Canada. Target groups include adult, youth, and child survivors of trauma, including survivors of sexual violence, people living in poverty and conflict, displaced persons, those with mental and physical illnesses and disabilities, their caregivers, and others.

    Make Music Matter (MMM)’s mission is to use the creative process as a therapeutic tool to help heal trauma and empower marginalized voices. Through its innovative Healing in Harmony music therapy program, MMM works globally with local partners to foster sustainable and thriving communities.

    The Healing in Harmony model of group therapy is a unique blend of cognitive behavior therapy and music therapy that brings together trauma survivors with a local, trained psychologist and local music producer to write, record, and professionally produce songs about their emotions and experiences. The process helps participants to develop the potential for transformative change while building self-esteem and re-establishing their sense of identity and agency.

    Songs become tools for education and awareness, helping to combat stereotypes, stigma, and shame. Music is disseminated via local radio stations, community concerts, social media, and major streaming…

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    Encuentra oportunidades para cambiar el mundo con las últimas oportunidades de empleo, pasantías/prácticas y voluntariado con impacto social. Además, podrás explorar recursos para generar impacto positivo en tu comunidad.