The Ashoka Support Network (ASN) is a global community of successful, innovative leaders from a variety of fields who see entrepreneurship as the primary engine for economic and social development. The network includes more than 350 members in more than 20 countries.
Unlike traditional philanthropists, ASN members fully apply their creativity, energy and connections to effect positive social change. By pledging to contribute a minimum amount to Ashoka over a three-year period, ASN members gain exclusive access to connect and engage with Ashoka Fellows.
ASN members engage with Ashoka and Ashoka Fellows in a number of different ways, based on their availability and skills: ASNs frequently participate in Ashoka Globalizer events, serve on advisory boards for Ashoka Fellows, attend local/regional retreats with members of the Ashoka community, assist Ashoka staff with institution-building efforts, and congregate at the annual ASN Global Summit —among other engagement opportunities.
The Ashoka Support Network (ASN) is a global community of successful, innovative leaders from a variety of fields who see entrepreneurship as the primary engine for economic and social development. The network includes more than 350 members in more than 20 countries.
Unlike traditional philanthropists, ASN members fully apply their creativity, energy and connections to effect positive social change. By pledging to contribute a minimum amount to Ashoka over a three-year period, ASN members gain exclusive access to connect and engage with Ashoka Fellows.
ASN members engage with Ashoka and Ashoka Fellows in a number of different ways, based on their availability and skills: ASNs frequently participate in Ashoka Globalizer events, serve on advisory boards for Ashoka Fellows, attend local/regional retreats with members of the Ashoka community, assist Ashoka staff with institution-building efforts, and congregate at the annual ASN Global Summit…