Organización Sin Fin de Lucro

Global Oneness Book Project

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    We are gathering personal stories and photos from every region of the world on the theme of connection, and will publish selected submissions in a book, to be released internationally in 2010. This project was born out of a firm belief in the power of stories to shape the world we live in, and the core importance of moments of deep connection to our sense of shared responsibility, care, and belonging in one Earth community. Amidst the daily onslaught of stories that further division, it is our hope to share moments of connection that bring us closer together and foster a common vision of a better world.

    We are gathering personal stories and photos from every region of the world on the theme of connection, and will publish selected submissions in a book, to be released internationally in 2010. This project was born out of a firm belief in the power of stories to shape the world we live in, and the core importance of moments of deep connection to our sense of shared responsibility, care, and belonging in one Earth community. Amidst the daily onslaught of stories that further division, it is our hope to share moments of connection that bring us closer together and foster a common vision of a better world.


    • NYC, NY None, United States

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