Organización Sin Fin de Lucro

Ride New Orleans

New Orleans, LA

  • Acerca de

    Transit service in the New Orleans region is not what it needs to be. While the average New Orleanian with access to a private vehicle can reach 89 percent of the region’s jobs in 30 minutes or less, the average transit-reliant New Orleanian can only reach 12 percent of those jobs in the same 30-minute time period.

    That stark disparity is a severe liability for residents trying to access jobs and other essential services. 19 percent of New Orleans households – more than twice the national average – don’t have access to a personal vehicle. With the high poverty rate in our city many other households are only one run of bad luck away from not having access to a vehicle.

    Ride New Orleans works to right this wrong and to win a transit system that is a linchpin in the creation of a more just, equitable, and functional city and region.

    Our mission is to win world-class and equitable public transportation that works for all residents across the New Orleans region

    Our vision is a New Orleans region in which taking transit – by necessity or choice – enables full access to jobs, education, health care, and other needs that ensure the equitable, thriving community that all residents deserve.

    Transit service in the New Orleans region is not what it needs to be. While the average New Orleanian with access to a private vehicle can reach 89 percent of the region’s jobs in 30 minutes or less, the average transit-reliant New Orleanian can only reach 12 percent of those jobs in the same 30-minute time period.

    That stark disparity is a severe liability for residents trying to access jobs and other essential services. 19 percent of New Orleans households – more than twice the national average – don’t have access to a personal vehicle. With the high poverty rate in our city many other households are only one run of bad luck away from not having access to a vehicle.

    Ride New Orleans works to right this wrong and to win a transit system that is a linchpin in the creation of a more just, equitable, and functional city and region.

    Our mission is to win world-class and equitable public transportation that works for all residents across the New Orleans region

    Our vision is a…

    Temáticas Incluídas


    • 2100 Oretha Castle Haley Boulevard, New Orleans, LA 70113, United States

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