The Women, Peace and Security Programme is a Programme of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). It is based in New York City.
The Women, Peace and Security Programme monitors and works toward rapid and full implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. To these ends:
The Women, Peace and Security Programme hosts, a website that provides accurate and timely information on women, peace and security issues and women's peace-building initiatives in areas of armed conflict.
The Women, Peace and Security Programme works to facilitate communication among and mobilisation of advocates and supporters in civil society, the UN system and governments working on women, peace and security issues; and
The Women, Peace and Security Programme advocates for the integration of gender analysis in the governance, peace and security work of civil society actors, the UN system, and governmental bodies.
The Women, Peace and Security Programme is a Programme of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). It is based in New York City.
The Women, Peace and Security Programme monitors and works toward rapid and full implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. To these ends:
The Women, Peace and Security Programme hosts, a website that provides accurate and timely information on women, peace and security issues and women's peace-building initiatives in areas of armed conflict.
The Women, Peace and Security Programme works to facilitate communication among and mobilisation of advocates and supporters in civil society, the UN system and governments working on women, peace and security issues; and
The Women, Peace and Security Programme advocates for the integration of gender analysis in the governance, peace and security work of civil society actors, the UN system, and…