Organización Sin Fin de Lucro

Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland, Inc.

Silver Spring, MD

  • Acerca de

    Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland provides affordable housing solutions to residents of Montgomery and Prince George's Counties through homeownership opportunities, home repairs, and its retail operation ReStore.

    Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland provides affordable housing solutions to residents of Montgomery and Prince George's Counties through homeownership opportunities, home repairs, and its retail operation ReStore.

    Temáticas Incluídas


    • 8380 Colesville Rd Ste 700, Silver Spring, MD 20910, United States

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    Encuentra oportunidades para cambiar el mundo con las últimas oportunidades de empleo, pasantías/prácticas y voluntariado con impacto social. Además, podrás explorar recursos para generar impacto positivo en tu comunidad.