Dissent, a quarterly journal founded in the early 1950s by independent-minded radicals, is a magazine of leftist politics and ideas. Edited by Irving Howe until his death in 1993, Dissent is currently edited by Mitchell Cohen and Michael Walzer. Dissent magazine is passionate, argumentative, undogmatic, and committed to democratic values. It looks at economic issues, foreign policy, education,culture, feminism, environmentalism, the labor movement,globalization, and history with eyes wide open.
Dissent, a quarterly journal founded in the early 1950s by independent-minded radicals, is a magazine of leftist politics and ideas. Edited by Irving Howe until his death in 1993, Dissent is currently edited by Mitchell Cohen and Michael Walzer. Dissent magazine is passionate, argumentative, undogmatic, and committed to democratic values. It looks at economic issues, foreign policy, education,culture, feminism, environmentalism, the labor movement,globalization, and history with eyes wide open.